
“Empathy is the most important quality a visionary or intuitive reader must have.” N.G.
Holistic Guidance

With 40 years of experience at working to help people through positive feedback and by providing practical and metaphorical tools to handle the following situations, Néstor is able to address all kinds of different situations like:

• Working for those who are in toxic relationships and need support to improve the quality of their life.
• Working for those who need to find positive alternatives in their lives in order to cope with the roughness of everyday life—be it at work, at home, or anywhere.
• Working for those who are looking for a place in the world and have a hard time fitting in their own society and need to develop themselves as individuals independently of their surroundings.
• Working for those who want to live and/or have experienced voluntary lost (suicide) of a love one or deal on a daily basis with loved ones who have suicidal ideations.

Néstor’s practices are founded on 40 years of natural and empirical research coupled with a selection of sociological, cultural, and anthropologically oriented studies, and a personalized philosophy. Testimonials from clients show that Néstor’s guidance and support have long-lasting effects in people’s life.

Clairvoyance Coaching

Néstor’s name readings are based on clients handwriting their full names and dates of birth. The writing style of each person and the date of birth leads him to describe actual realities which lead him to deeply describe the outcomes depending on his specific connection with each individual. This allows him to describe each person’s present reality and also predict some aspects of the outcome based on the patterns he sees in the hand-writing of the person.

Reading names and date of births leads Néstor to a focused reading that encompass:

• Work
• Relationships of all kinds
• Health
• Wealth
• group relations among people in areas such as, sports, arts, and working environments of all kinds.

Mainly, Néstor studies the patterns of behaviors in same or similar situations and offers his clients the answer to questions he is able to see through images.

Tarot Cards

Néstor has  used Tarot cards since the beginning of his practice. He learned to read these cards when he was a child and is able to still see them with the innocent eyes of a child and read them with that same purity.

These cards are archetypes that describe in figures the complexity of our life’s issues—those that are relevant between the time we are born and when we leave this world. Therefore, being able to read such symbols can help people to track the footsteps in which they are standing now, the prints from the past,  and in that same fashion, the possible footsteps the person will have along the way in the oncoming future.

A combination of the lightness of the eyes of a child and the information gathered from a worldly life allows him to read them and give a consultation that delivers a professional quality reading. The experience he gives is not in any way overcharged with strangeness. Néstor’s readings are found with empathy and quality. A testimony of this are the experiences of his long-lasting clients who have been following Néstor’s guidance for decades.

Individual Cleansing

Energy cleanings through healing rituals are helpful when one is feeling under the influence of unwanted and/or negative energies.

Sometimes an incompatible relationship can create an upsetting/unsettling state and feelings because of clashing personalities. (In ancestral cultures, this is known as the “Evil eye”.) It is known that these energies often cause conflicts, and oftentimes, make one feel sick. These energies can hold us back from a creative and productive life, as well as prevent us from building healthy productive synergies. 

• To clean these unwanted energies, Néstor makes offerings to clear these negative energies.
• These cleansing offerings are a great alternative when one is overwhelmed by undesirable associations and not feeling energetically healthy.
• An offering can help people breathe calmness and peace--thereby producing a healthy and peaceful charge that leads to a state of wellbeing.
• Cleansings also work to enhance one clarity and purpose, making it more natural to find alternative solutions and increase prosperity.

Néstor can be hired to provide this service from anywhere. He does this using the full name and date of birth of the participant, as well as their handwriting. 

Space Cleansing

Néstor does energy cleanings through healing rituals at homes or any kind of workplace.

In these places, the ambiance usually gets loaded with stress, nervousness, and even rivalries. These get constructed over day-to-day conflicts. These energies produce halting effects and hold back a productive and amicable energy, and therefore synergies. Néstor uses incense and offerings to clear the negative energies caused by every day conflicts which fill spaces with energies and synergies caused by aggressiveness and caused by incompatible relationships over time.

• Cleansings are a great method to make any place a clear and healthy milieu where every visitor will breathe a calming and friendly energy charge and will be energetically encouraged to give what has been received.
• Cleansings are of great use to enhance clarity to find alternative solutions and increase prosperity.

Holistic Support

Oftentimes Néstor is asked to help a client who is struggling with illness. He works to help them gain strength and understanding, and to enhance their course of medication or treatment in a variety of ways such as : 

• To help and be ready to accept treatments 
• To give emotional support to receive such treatments
• To help people leave their physical life and depart in peace